
GLA (Total): gross leasable area, corresponds to the sum of the areas available for lease.

GLA % LOG: GLA referring to Log’s participation in the projects.

Approved GLA: total areas with approved project and all other licenses, including areas already delivered.

GLA Delivered: areas delivered for lease.

GLA FII: GLA sold to FII LGCP11.

GLA Partners: GLA corresponding to the percentage that Log’s partners have in the projects (excluding the GLA from FII LGCP11).

Gross Absorption: refers to the occupation occurred within the analyzed period. Includes areas subject to new lease contracts and contract renewals.

Net Absorption: real increase or decrease in occupied space between periods. Sum of areas subject to new lease contracts, contract renewals (referring to current year maturities) and returns occurred in the period.

Contract Backlog: remaining amount to be received by the contract term.

EBITDA (Earnings Before Interests, Taxes, Depreciation and Amortization): net profit plus expenses with income tax and social contribution, finance income (costs) and depreciation.

EBITDA for Leasing Activities: considers through EBITDA, additions or reductions for items that we understand are not part of the result of our Leasing Activities, such as sales of assets, or that do not affect our cash generation, such as the Operating Results from New Assets Development of investment property and the Operating Results from New Assets Development of investment property in joint ventures.

ESG:“Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance”. Refers to the three central factors in measuring the sustainability and social impact of an investment in a company or business.

FFO (Funds From Operations): net profit before depreciation.

FFO for Leasing Activities: considers, through FFO, additions or reductions to eliminate the effects of gains or losses on the disposal of assets, such as, for example, events with gains on the sale of properties and on Operating Results from New Assets Development adjustments and other “non-cash” effects.

FII:Real Estate Investment Fund.

FII LGCP11: the LOGCP Inter fund (LGCP11) is a real estate fund that focuses on profiting from real estate leasings for the logistics and industry sector. Established in August 2019, the fund is managed by Banco Inter.

Greenfield: development of new logistics warehouse projects since the beginning of the work.

Net Default in 12 months: calculated by the remaining % of the balance of maturities accumulated in the last 12 months subtracted from the amount of revenue in the same period.

Joint Venture — JVs: joint business, in which two or more parties have joint control.

Loan to Value: index (%) resulting from dividing gross or net debt by the Operating Results from New Assets Development of investment properties.

EBITDA Margin: EBITDA divided by net operating revenue.

EBITDA Margin for Leasing Activities: EBITDA for leasing Activities divided by net operating revenue.

FFO Margin: FFO divided by net operating revenue.

FFO Margin for Leasing Activities: FFO for leasing Activities divided by net operating revenue.

Potential Portfolio % Log: total GLA held by the Company, in its different stages of development, that is, it includes the GLA of projects approved, under approval and delivered.

Vacancy: GLA available for lease.

Vacancy of the Stabilized Portfolio: GLA available for lease from the portfolio of properties that reach 90% occupancy or one year or more of operation, whichever comes first.

Yield on Cost (YoC): annualized potential revenue from assets (considering 100% occupancy) divided by the CAPEX of their respective projects.