Growth Drivers

Flight to Quality

The movement known as Flight to Quality is the increase in demand for more modern warehouses, an important catalyst for growth. It is estimated that the logistics warehouse market in Brazil has approximately 172 million m². There is a huge potential market for Log since the supply of high-end logistics parks represents only about 15% of the total market offer. Tenants have been looking for infrastructure more suited to their needs and Log has become the specialized solution for Class A warehouses and the largest player with national capillarity.

E-commerce in Brazil

In Brazil, e-commerce reached the historic mark of more than R$ 87 billion in sales in 2020¹, and the average growth expectation for this segment, from 2019 to 2025, is 25%². Moreover, the expansion of electronic commerce has been greater in other regions of the country than in the Southeast, which meets our main objective: to promote the democratization of e-commerce, expanding this segment throughout Brazil. With our unique business model, we are the Company that is best prepared to meet the growth demand of companies that wish to gain a presence nationwide.

¹Ebit l Nielsen WebShoppers 43
²Morgan Stanley Estimates